Sunday, October 01, 2006

Red Skies ... we had a lot of wildfires (set by an arsonist) everything looked pretty cool ... like looking at life through a rose colored lens


Meow (aka Connie) said...

Lovely photos, Jack, thank you for showing me a part of your world. The bridge looks interesting ... I love old structures like that. Do many trains still use the tracks ?? Hope you can hear them coming early enough !!
The redness in the last photo is amazing ...
Hope you have a great week.
Take care, Meow

~jack~ said...

Meeeoow , it was reder then the redness in this picture, but looking directly into the sun over exposed it a bit and it came out pinkish.
all of these pictures look "washed-out" because there was a lot of smoke in the air .. I've been taking more now that the air has cleared (since they caught the arsonist)

JON ... You make me giggle !