Thursday, May 05, 2005

let me in , let me out ... I was digging around in my old drawings and dusty stuff and found this , the first idea-sketch for "let me in, let me out" this one ended up on an album cover for a band called "Spag" (Karl Rogers) ... I wonder what ever happened to him ???


Anonymous said...

This picture makes me think of my "doom and gloom" days. I can't believe it can show how a person can feel when they are down or depressed and can not seem to put it into words. Did you ever think of that while you were drawing this one? Let me out...perfect name as well!

~jack~ said...

"Doom & Gloom" yes ! ... you should hear SPAG (I'll post an audio-blog) ... talk about suicidal-dark-depression .. it makes me feel like crying just thinking about Karl and his sweeet sweeet songs . . . ask Joe Cool Jr.